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Conscious Decision-Making

Photo Credit, Patrick Tomasso

“There comes a time in the spiritual journey when you start making choices from a very different place… and if a choice lines up so that it supports truth, health, happiness, wisdom, and love, it’s the right choice.” ~Angeles Arrien

Think back to when you were younger, perhaps recently graduated from college and ready to avoid all forms of substantial responsibility. Most likely it seemed as though making decisions was the easiest thing to do. There didn’t appear to be much to consider.

If you wanted to do something, you were able to figure out a plan to make it happen.

If you wanted to travel internationally, you saved your money and booked your ticket. If you wanted to spend three out of five evenings shopping at the mall after work, you did. And if you wanted to flake on plans with someone because you just didn’t feel up for a visit, you flaked.

It was during this time that you didn’t feel the need to discuss anything with anyone, or take into consideration how your actions impacted others. After all, there is a bit of self-centeredness often associated with youth. With little obligation and minimal responsibility, it is not uncommon to be oblivious to life outside of your box.

However, as most find out, there comes a time when you have to look closely at the decisions you make and the impact those decisions will have on others.

It wasn’t until my early thirties, after making a choice that did not have clear and authentic intentions, when I recognized I could have avoided an onslaught of unwanted circumstances, if I had thoroughly examined the intentions behind my choices and the possible impact on others.

Instead of focusing solely on what I wanted, what I thought I needed, and what I thought I deserved, before diving into the abyss of “haphazard decision-making” I should have asked myself the following questions:

  • What am I really trying to do?

  • Will this action only be of benefit to me?

  • Am I willing to take full responsibility for the outcome of this choice?

When we don’t take the time to examine our intentions, there is no good direction toward which the outcome of the decision can flow.

There is immediate gratification, and potentially haphazard outcomes, but no genuine direction.

To move in the direction of authenticity, you must first recognize that movement begins with small everyday choices.

These small choices present themselves at every moment of the day:

  • Will I choose to ignore this phone call, or answer it and deal with what is at hand?

  • Will I choose to help my children with their homework, or watch television?

  • Will I choose to continue to believe in my dream, or will I let it quietly fall away because it’s just too hard?

  • Will I choose to trust and believe in myself, when others will not?

  • Will I choose to be compassionate and caring, or remain judgmental?

If you’re not sure if your decisions are leading you to where you want to go, look at the ripple effect of the outcomes.

What does this tell you?

When we move into a place of conscious consideration of what it is we want to create, we start to make choices from a space of empowerment that asks:

Does my choice support love, well-being, integrity, and sincerity for others and myself?

Does my choice connect with my intuition?

Does this choice maintain consistency between my actions and my beliefs?

Does this choice help me to do what I say and to say what I mean?

During the moment of having to make an important decision for yourself, or on behalf of someone you love, it is at this time when you see yourself at your best or your worst.

These important moments offer the choice of character development, the opportunity to center yourself in conscious decision-making, which leads to a perspective of feeling empowered.

As we choose responsible attitudes and behaviors we want to implement in our lives, we can also choose action and choice that is rooted in truth; our own truth when what we say, what we do and what we believe are in complete harmony.

We can simply make the choice to make better choices; choices that in some way or another support personal wellness because ultimately, each choice affects whether you move toward love or away from love.

"And if a choice lines up so that it supports truth, health, happiness, wisdom, and love…” keep taking steps in that direction. Try a few things. Move around, and get comfortable, in this new place of conscious decision-making where you no longer make choices to avoid something, but instead make choices to create something.

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About Me

Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley is the author of two books, The Gift of Crisis and the forthcoming channeled text The Visioneers' Handbook.


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