Dark silence fills my eyes
and encloses the space around me.
Arms outstretched
I grasp for what is known…
an opening
a doorway
the light.
Where is the light?
I do not know
for naked eyes cannot see.
the mind–killer,
wanting its way
with me
Haunting my steps
with fractured uncertainty,
to consume me
Dread swirls
in the eye of the dark tornado
as wrath unfolds the great unrest.
Shall I wither?
Befall an unconsciousness slumber?
Not here, not now
in this unforeseen place of the dark cascade.
Deep within
I venture down,
beyond the dark
I will not hide.
With balanced conviction
and steady calm,
inner stillness
does chaos meet.
My breath, my heart, my love
my light…
From the smallest ray,
out of darkness
internally led
my life will be.