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It's Not About the End Result

It's about the moment-to-moment experience within the journey;

the journey that leads to growth, transformation, change and purpose.


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"Above all else I want to see things differently."

See yourself for all you are and come to know the truth of who you are. You are not your thoughts. You are not your past deeds. You are not your conversations. You are not any of the titles you impose upon yourself. You are so much more than what you have let yourself claim into existence. The time is now to see yourself for who you really are.

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I'm Bridgitte.

A student of A Course in Miracles, the author of two books, The Gift of Crisis and the forthcoming channeled text The Visioneers' Handbook, reader of the Akashic Records and Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice dedicated to spiritual evolution and conscious transformation.

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Follow Your Calling


We are entering a time of truth and truth is what will be experienced by you as you come to know who and what you truly are. You are here to anchor your light in the highest way it seeks to express itself through you. The power of the mind is boundless and the time for change is now.


"My experience was very powerful and beautiful. I felt in my heart, my way home, in ways I never experienced. All my uncertainties and doubts vanished and now I know, I never lost myself. I feel support and love more than I can express by words. Thank you." - R.A., Akashic Records session
“Bridgitte read my Akashic Records several times now.  Each time, she brought through messages of truth that resonated deeply with me.  They made it clear that we are profoundly known, understood, supported, and loved in ways we cannot fully comprehend from our human vantage point.  Each session has been an extremely uplifting experience.  Key factors in this are Bridgitte’s sincere dedication to this work, her obvious gift for doing it, and the disarming modesty with which she does it.  To me, she is a true servant of the Akashic Records."   - W.V.G.


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Schedule a Session

Peace is possible. Healing is possible.

Love is possible.

Living the Vision

You are the one you have been waiting for and you have the capability to make your world the way you want it to be. The time is now for love-based action with clarity of purpose, knowing and authenticity, as there is nothing a mind connected to Spirit cannot bring about. You are a Visioneer and you are here to bring about the new that is the New Earth.
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About Me


Bridgitte Jackson-Buckley is the author of two books, The Gift of Crisis and the forthcoming channeled text The Visioneers' Handbook.


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